Participants are welcome to arrive July 31 after 2pm. The center of Physics will close August 25 at 4pm.
Tentative schedule:
9:00-10:30 |
10:55-12:25 |
14:00-15:00 |
16:00-17:00 |
17:00-18:00 |
18:00-19:00 |
August 1st |
Muller 1 |
Romps 1 |
Free |
Free |
Start 17:30 |
Muller 2 |
August 2nd |
Muller 3 |
Romps 2 |
Free |
Free |
Peltier |
Schneider 1 |
August 3rd |
Muller 4 |
Romps 3 |
Free |
Participant talks |
Lucarini |
Bouchet 1 |
August 4th |
Muller 5 |
Romps 4 |
Cloud hike |
Cloud hike |
Start 17:30 |
Romps 5 |
August 6th |
Start 20:30 |
Schneider 2 |
August 7th |
Shepherd 1 |
Dijkstra 1 |
Participant talks |
Golden |
Marston |
August 8th |
Dijkstra 2 |
Shepherd 2 |
Ghil |
Start 16:30 |
Participant talks |
Dijkstra 3 |
August 9th |
Shepherd 3 |
Dijkstra 4 |
Tutorial |
Free |
Start 17:30 |
Shepherd 4 |
August 10th |
Dijkstra 5 |
Shepherd 5 |
Tutorial |
Free |
Participant talks |
Venaille |
August 11th |
Shepherd 6 |
Dijkstra 6 |
Project talks |
Free |
Free |
Free |
August 14th |
Young 1 |
Ferrari 1 |
Tutorial |
Free |
Bühler |
Newell |
August 15th |
Young 2 |
Cessi 1 |
Tutorial |
Free |
Participant talks |
Dauxois |
August 16th |
Cessi 2 |
Ferrari 2 |
Discussion |
Free |
Tutorial |
Vanneste |
August 17th |
Cessi 3 |
Young 3 |
Tutorial |
Free |
Free |
Haynes |
August 18th |
Ferrari 3 |
August 21th |
Held 1 |
Vallis 1 |
tutorial |
Penduff |
August 22th |
Held 2 |
Bouchet 2 |
Deike |
August 23th |
Held 3 |
Held 4 |
tutorial |
Wirth |
August 24th |
Held 5 |
Vallis 2 |
Discussion |
Vallis 3 |
August 25th |
- Henk Dikjstra, Stephan Fauve: Turbulence theory, statistical mechanics and dynamical systems approaches
- Paola Cessi, Raffaele Ferrari, Bill Young: Ocean turbulence
- Isaac Held, Ted Shepherd: Large scale atmosphere turbulence
- Caroline Muller, David Romps: Clouds and turbulent moist convection
- Freddy Bouchet: Sampling extreme heat waves and abrupt transitions in turbulent flows using rare event algorithms
- Oliver Bühler:The Gage-Nastrom Spectrum and the complete theory of wave-mean interactions (abridged)
- Thierry Dauxois: Abyssal mixing in the laboratory?
- Luc Deike: Wave breaking in ocean-atmosphere interactions
- Ken Golden: Modeling fluid processes in the sea ice system
- Peter Haynes: The fluctuation-dissipation theorem: from statistical physics to climate dynamics?
- Valerio Lucarini: Melancholia States in the Climate System
- Brad Marston: Direct Statistical Simulation of Geophysical Flows
- Alan Newell: Wave turbulence
- Richard Peltier: Ocean Turbulence and Global Climate Variability
- Thierry Penduff: Characterizing the chaotic variability of the global eddying ocean
- Tapio Schneider 1: The Future of Clouds
- Tapio Schneider 2: Turbulent flows in climate dynamics
- Geoff Vallis: Simple models and parameterizations of moist convection
- Jacques Vanneste: Geometric generalised Lagrangian mean theories
- Antoine Venaille: Waves, symmetries and invariants in geophysical fluids
- Achim Wirth: A fluctuation-dissipation relation for the ocean subject to turbulent atmospheric forcing