31 July-25 August 2017, Les Houches (France)

Lecture and seminar videos



Caroline Muller: clouds and turbulence moist convection 1/5

Caroline Muller: clouds and turbulence moist convection 2/5

Caroline Muller: clouds and turbulence moist convection 3/5

Caroline Muller: clouds and turbulence moist convection 4/5

Caroline Muller: clouds and turbulence moist convection 5/5


Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 1/6

Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 2/6

Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 3/6

Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 4/6

Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 5/6

Ted Shepherd: large scale atmosphere turbulence 6/6


Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 1/6

Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 2/6

Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 3/6

Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 4/6

Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 5/6

Henk Dijkstra: dynamical systems analysis of climate variability 6/6


Raf Ferrari: Ocean dynamics 1/3 - Abyssal ocean circulation

Raf Ferrari: Ocean dynamics 2/3 - Deep ocean mixing

Raf Ferrari: Ocean dynamics 3/3 - Abyssal circulation revisited - part 1

Raf Ferrari: Ocean dynamics 3/3 - Abyssal circulation revisited - part 2


Paola Cessi: Ocean dynamics 1/3 - From transformed Eulerian mean to thickness weighted average

Paola Cessi: Ocean dynamics 2/3 - Parametrization of eddy fluxes - part 1

Paola Cessi: Ocean dynamics 3/3 - Parametrization of eddy fluxes - part 2 


Bill Young: Ocean dynamics 1/3 - Tides and a little about the energetics of ocean turbulence

(Due to a registration error, the first part of the first lecture of Bill Young is missing. We are sorry for the inconvenience)

Bill Young: Ocean dynamics 2/3 - The zeroth law of turbulence and its discontents

Bill Young: Ocean dynamics 3/3 - Waves and turbulence on a beta-plane - part1

Bill Young: Ocean dynamics 3/3 - Waves and turbulence on a beta-plane - part2


Isaac Held:  Large scale atmosphere turbulence 1/5 - Idealized models of the climate of tropical cyclogenesis - part 1/2

Isaac Held: Large scale atmosphere turbulence 2/5 - Idealized models of the climate of tropical cyclogenesis - part 2/2

Isaac Held: Large scale atmosphere turbulence 3/5 - Quasigeostrophic dynamics and turbulence - part 1/3

Isaac Held: Large scale atmosphere turbulence 4/5 - Quasigeostrophic dynamics and turbulence - part 2/3

Isaac Held: Large scale atmosphere turbulence 5/5 - Quasigeostrophic dynamics and turbulence - part 3/3


Geoff Vallis: Climate change: uncertainities, time scales, thermodynamics and dynamics

Geoff Vallis: The structure of the atmosphere and its response to global warming

Geoff Vallis: Simple models and parameterization for moist convection



Freddy Bouchet: Large deviations in non equilibrium statistical physics

(Due to a registration error, the first seminar of Freddy Bouchet has not be registered. We are sorry for the inconvenience)

Oliver Bühler: The Gage-Nastrom spectrum and the complete theory of wave-mean interactions

Thierry Dauxois: Abyssal mixing in the laboratory?

Luc Deike: Breaking waves in ocean-atmosphere interactions

Michael Ghil: Climate change and climate variability: a unified framework

Ken Golden: Modeling fluid processes in the sea ice system

Peter Haynes: The fluctuation-dissipation theorem: from statistical physics to climate dynamics?

Valerio Lucarini: Melancholia states in the climate system

Brad Marston: Direct statistical simulation of geophysical flows

Alan Newell: Wave turbulence

Richard Peltier: Ocean turbulence and global climate variability

Thierry Penduff: The chaotic variability of the global eddying ocean

Tapio Schneider: Turbulent flows in climate dynamics

(The first seminar of Tapio Schneider is not available)

Jacques Vanneste: Geometric generalised Lagrangian mean theories

Geoff Vallis: Simple models and parameterization for moist convection

Antoine Venaille: Waves, symmetries and invariants in geophysical fluids

Achim Wirth: A fluctuation dissipation relation for the ocean




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